How long do I have to claim my Hotel Voucher?
You must successfully claim your Hotel Voucher by 15th April 2025. For any queries in relation to your application please email hello@jaecooreward.co.uk and we'll get back to you within 3 working days.

After I have applied for my Hotel Voucher, when will I receive it?
You will receive you unique Hotel Voucher code together with instructions on how to use it, via email to the address provided, within 7 working days of submission.

If there is an issue with your Hotel Voucher claim, we will contact you via email (within 7 working days) to advise and request more details, where necessary.

How long do I have to use my Hotel Voucher?
Your Hotel Stay Voucher will be valid for bookings until 28th February 2026. Your hotel stay must be completed by 31st March 2026.

What if I misplace the Hotel Voucher I successfully claim?
Email us at hello@jaecooreward.co.uk and we’ll resend to you within 3 working days.

How do I use my Hotel Voucher?
Your unique Hotel Stay voucher code will be emailed to you together with how to book instructions. You will be able to search hotel availability against your preferences and then enter your unique voucher code on the dedicated hotel web-site to make your booking.

What if I need to cancel my hotel stay booking?
Booking cancellations must be made within 7 days of a scheduled arrival date or you will forfeit your free hotel stay voucher.